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with Sol




You aspire to live a full life, do good in the world, and feel a sense of purpose and joy along the way,
but you feel:



Unsure, unclear, disengaged, or lack a sense of direction and purpose.


Not fully expressing your talents, gifts and potential; tapping into only a small fraction of what you're capable of.


Overwhelmed, or even burnt out.

I get it.

That was me.

I'm a Mental Fitness coach,

which means that I empower purpose-driven people like you to navigate through the struggle, and thrive in your personal and professional life.

I’ll help you build a positive, resilient Mindset to gain:​


You want:

To live a life that aligns with your values, goals and dreams.

I'll help you:

Gain a clear vision of your priorities, eliminate distractions and focus your energy towards what truly matters.


You want:

To break through what's holding you back, leverage your strengths and succeed in your endeavours.

I'll help you:

Overcome self-doubt and build a powerful, growth mindset to pursue goals with unshakable self-belief. 


You want:

To feel balanced, happy and content.

I'll help you:

Bounce back from challenges and embrace setbacks as opportunities for growth.

To work with me as your coach, I require two things from you: an open-mind and a willingness to invest in your growth.



Hi, I'm Sol.

We've all had times when things feel overwhelming; when we doubt ourselves, feel unsure of our next step, and like we're the only one struggling. I know that experience deeply and personally.

The good news? I practised powerful techniques that rewired my brain to escape the habits and patterns that were holding me back. Now I want to empower you to do the same. And not just to survive, but thrive.

Whether you're striving to smash performance goals, build unshakeable well-being, navigate rocky relationships, or find deeper meaning in life, I'm here to be your guide.

We'll identify your strengths, uncover what’s getting you down or stifling your potential and craft a roadmap to build your mental fortress.

I've spent over 10 years training in and teaching innovative practices that are proven to help people thrive, and to build positive, collaborative team cultures.​


I trained at two of the UK’s leading Mindfulness institutions, the Sussex Mindfulness Centre (an NHS Foundation Trust) and the Oxford Mindfulness Centre.​


I've delivered the ‘Gold Standard’ NHS-approved Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) and Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), aswell as ‘Mindfulness for Life’ and ‘Finding Peace in a Frantic World’.​


I have also qualified in and currently coach Shirzad Charmine’s PQ Coaching Programme.​


I've delivered training to school staff, start-ups, global student communities and corporates.


Mental Fitness is the cornerstone of growth and high performance.

When you're physically fit, you can climb a steep hill with little physical stress. The same is true for mental fitness. When you’re mentally fit, you can navigate life’s challenges with less stress and conflict. ​

My coaching is based on the latest research from Neuroscience, Positive Psychology, Cognitive Behavioural Psychology, and Performance Science.

Individual Coaching Sessions & Programmes

Group Workshops, Courses & Retreats

Mind Gym uses behavioural science to transform the performance of people who are determined to make a difference
St Johns College is a place where learning is shaped around people’s hopes and aspirations.
Sussex Mindfulness Centre offers tailor-made mindfulness programmes and compassionate leadership training to help creat
BACA school helps young people with their learning, creativity, passion, determination, risk-taking, problem-solving
UCL Mindfulness Society learns and teaches mindfulness and meditation as a skill for life.

 - Book a Free Discovery Call -

Discovery calls are like Mental Fitness audits.

They're 30 minute, no-pressure conversations to get a sense of your challenges, get some perspective on the root cause of what's holding you back and gain clarity on the steps to progress.

"The dynamic and progressive nature of the sessions was especially helpful."

Joey Clifton

Identify your negative thinking personas


Do you often evaluate and criticize yourself and others? Self-doubt, judgment, and negativity?


Do you seek approval and validation from others at the expense of personal needs, leading to sacrificing your authenticity?


Do you seek perfection, leading to frequent self-criticism and fear of failure?


Do you feel like life happens to you, that external circumstances dictate your happiness and success causing you to feel helpless and powerless?


Do you try to escape discomfort by avoiding challenging situations, meaning you miss out on growth opportunities?


Do you feel restless, leading to a constant sense of unease and dissatisfaction?


Are you always on high alert for potential threats or problems, leading to stress and anxiety?


Do you overanalyze situations, relying on logic over emotions, leading to dismissing your emotions?


Are you driven, constantly striving for more success and recognition, leading you to feeling inadequate/of not being good enough through comparisons with others?


Do you seek to control situations and people, driven by fear of uncertainty, making you feel stressed, and struggle to adapt to change?

If you have a question before scheduling a Discovery call, get in touch!

Thanks for submitting!

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